Nordisk Tidende, the Norwegian newspaper in Brooklyn, is now online, and could be read at Choose “Avansert søk” (Advanced search), “Aviser” (Newspapers), and “Nordisk Tidende” from the drop-down menu under “Tittel” (Title), and you will find the newspaper. You could also do a search for a word under “Søkestreng”, or several words like “Carl Søyland”. It is also possible to leave out words from the search, by choosing “Ingen av disse ordene” (ex. Carl), or just some words under “Noen av disse ordene” (ex. “Søyland Manhattan”), you will get a result with everybody called Søyland, but not Carl Søyland, and hits for Søyland at Manhattan. It is also an option to choose dates; “Fra dato” (from date) and “Til dato” (to date). Remember to use the Norwegian date format 03.01.1917 (3 Jan 1917).
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