May 19, 1894 Carl Søyland was born in Bergen May 19, 1894, but grew up in Flekkefjord, Norway.
His parents was Tønnes James Søyland (1859-1917) and Kristiane Nilsen (1868-1953).
Census 1910 Carl Søyland lived at Pilestrædet 81, KristianiaCensus 1910
Emigration September 27, 1919 Søyland immigrated to America on the ship “Stavangerfjord”. 
Vagabond life 1921 Carl Carl Søyland led a vagabond life traveling around the World between 1921 and 1926.
California-Vikingen 1924 Søyland was an editor for the Norwegian-American newspaper in California, California-Vikingen, between 1924-1925.
Brooklyn 1926 Carl Søyland settled in Brooklyn in 1926. He wrote the book "Langs landeveien" in the daytime, and played piano at a restaurant in the evenings. Later that year he got a job in Nordisk Tidende.
Sjømannskirken 1928 A new Seaman Sailor Church was opened in 1928. Carl Søyland played organ and piano at many of the services, arrangements and concertes held there.
Ørkenen Sur ca. 1928 
Photo: Carl Søyland/Owner: Jørn-Kr. Jørgensen. Red Hook
Several Hoovervilles were located in the United States during the Great Depression. Some poor people ended up living in the garbage dumps. In Brooklyn, these Norwegians lived in a Hooverville in Red Hook, called “Ørkenen Sur”. Carl Søyland tried to help the people living in Ørkenen Sur, through his visits and newspaper coverage.
Nordisk Tidende 1930 Carl Søyland became an editor secretary in Nordisk Tidende.
Nordisk Tidende 1940 Carl Søyland became the editor-in-Chef in Nordisk Tidende March 30, a few days before the WWII started in Norway.
ca. 1960
Alt for Norge
Carl Søyland and Nordisk Tidende Nordisk Tidende 1963 Carl Søyland retired from his job as editor-in-Chef in Nordisk Tidende, but wrote for the Newspaper until he was unable to go to work.
December 18, 1978
Green-Wood Cemetery